Moringa Superfood

The most nutritious tree in the world

Moringa Oleifera contains 90 important nutrients, vitamins and minerals, all essential amino acids and phytochemicals in a highly concentrated form. And all of this in an optimal composition and bio-availability, i.e. the human body can use it very well and directly.

This tropical tree is the next antiviral superfood.

There are already 700 research studies, run by well-known scientists on Moringa Oleifera, all of which describe the incredible properties and performance of the plant.

Hippocrates, on whom our doctors still swear their oath, seemed to be an advocate of Ayurveda medicine. In the exciting booklet "The Miracle Tree Moringa" the incredible natural healing properties of the giant plant are described in detail, which every pharmaceutical company can only dream of:


»No other food, drink or oil, not even the well-known valuable olive oil, can provide your body, your skin or your hair with nearly as many nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, oils and antioxidants for natural bioactive and successful health prevention to the extremely important provitamins like the moringa tree.«


It is clear that the sale of only one food supplement is not in the interest of the pharmaceutical industry.


Quotation from Prof. Louis M. De Bruin PhD, International Research Moringa Tree for Life:


"Selling all forms of vitamins and minerals for health improvement is big business. If you have a company that sells hundreds of different nutritional supplements, why should you sell a product that is able to replace ALL others?"